I am a fourth year masters student, studying physics at the University of Birmingham. In addition I am sailing/windsurf instructor, with experience running a wide array of sessions.
Dinton Pastures Country Park
Sailing Instructor 2020 - present
I worked at dinton over summers during sixth form and university.
- Taught levels 1-4 in the RYA youth scheme, as well as levels 1 and 2, for both teen sailors and adults
- Dealt with a variety of challenges, including adapting teaching to COVID in my first year as an instructor.
- Taught kids with a variety of learning disabilities.
Sail Birmingham
Sailing/Windsurf Instructor 2022 - present
I worked at Sail Birmingham during term time, augmenting my income while studying.
- Helped run weekly sessions for kids, and sessions for schools.
- Taught kids with a variety of learning disabilities and physical using standard and adapted dinghies.
- Ran level 1 and 2 weekend courses for adults, as well as start windsurf courses.
University of Birmingham
Internship Researcher June 2024 - August 2024
Between the third and forth years of my undergraduate degree I was offered the opportunity to work as a student researcher in the physics department. Over two months I was tasked with performing the preliminary testing and design of a novel, drone-based, gradiometer. I designed a series of experiments to test the basic concept of our design, and was able to measure the motion of a 20kg dumbell in the same room, through gravity alone. I got the opportunity to speak at my first conference, and also help with other experiments in the same research group.
Student Windsurf Association
Treasurer July 2024 - Present
As a student windsurfer, I partook in events run by the SWA (the Student Windsurf Association) during my undergraduate degree. I got a huge amount of enjoyment out of these events, so to give back I joined the committee of the SWA as part of their financial team. This was a voluntary role, but gives me experience managing the SWA's finances, organising events and managing transactions with services like Stripe.
- RYA Dinghy Instructor I obtained this qualification prior to working at dinton, in 2019.
- RYA Windsurf Instructor (Beginner) I am qualified to teach beginner and intermediate windsurfers.
- RYA Powerboat Level 2 I am qualified to drive small powerboats, typically used in teaching sailing.
- RYA 8 hour First Aid Course
- Working knowledge in Python, and using a variety of libraries, including PyQT5, Django with Flask, Matplotlib etc...
- I am competent in C/C++, and trying to learn openGL.
- I have some experience in programing microcontrollers like ARDUINO and MiniPY.
- Comfortable writing using HTML/CSS and can use JS, mostly using NODE.
- Very proficient in LATEX.
- Modelling, construction and testing of control systems, using a variety of paradigms, feedback, feedforward etc...
- MATLAB, and a variety of matlab libraries, chiefly those used control system modelling.
- Basic knowledge of JAVA, Rust, and a couple JS frameworks.
- Highly competent in both linux and windows operating systems.
- Use of data acquisition services like CDS and ADVLIGORTS, as well as designing and testing control algorithms using MOKU.
Piggott School 2014-2019
I went to Piggott for my GCSE's, I got 7's in English, 8's in Computer Science, Physics and Maths and a 9 in chemistry.
Piggott School Sixth Form 2019-2021
I went to Piggott Sixth form, near Reading. I acheived A*A*A in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I greatly enjoyed my time at Piggot despite having to deal with a large number of challenges, in paticular COVID. During my time at the college, I had a chance to engage in lots of extra curicular activities. I went to open days, helped out in Maths Classes, became a physics prefect, and ran a series of Maths Masterclasses for young mathematicians from nearby schools. Topics Included: Knot theory, geometry and pulleys/moments. All taught around the story of bank heist.
University of Birmingham 2021-2025
I am currently studying for an integrated Masters course in Physics and the University of Birmingham. In my course I have developed my skills in programming, problem solving and a variety of experimental techniques. I have studied modules in condensed matter (electrical and conductive properties of solids), numerical methods, complex analysis and Relativity (both special and general). To support my studies I worked part time as a sailing/windsurf instructor at Midlands Sailing Club, balancing my studies and work was a rewarding challenge. In addition I spent two years on committee for the UOB windsurf club (as traing sec, and then as president) both running the society and coaching others to windsurf.
- I am a keen windsurfer, and windsurf at least once a week, I enjoy going on occasional trips to windsurf around the country. I have built up a lot of safety boat confidence by providing safety cover on these trips.
- I still enjoy sailing, and will occasionally take out a laser to race.
- I enjoy a bit of climbing, and enjoy bouldering with friends at our local centre.
- I am a keen swimmer, and swim almost every day, primarily for fitness.
- I also organise walking trips with my friends, typically for a week at a time, walking from campsite to campsite with all our gear.
- Finally, I am a keen pianist, playing to a diploma level.